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A List of Vegan-Friendly Cuisines from Around the World

A List of Vegan-Friendly Cuisi

Yes, we know that the Mediterranean cuisine is the ultimate vegan-friendly cuisine. But if you’ve been eating Mediterranean foods for a long time already just to stay true to your plant-based diet goals, perhaps you might like to explore a little bit. You can shop for fresh ingredients at a leading International Supermarket in San Antonio, Texas and get started in preparing one or more of the following vegan-friendly global cuisines:

  • Korean

    Koreans usually pair up their veggies with meat in one platter. But you can always choose to eat your veggies with other types of protein source. To get started, you can try japchae (stir-fried, sweet potato noodle), steamed dumplings, tofu stew, and banchan. Be sure to get your ingredients from a reputable grocery store in Texas to ensure freshness.

  • Burmese

    Burmese food might still be underrated, but it’s actually addictive. For a start, you can have Tea Leaf Salad, which consists of cabbage, tomato, ginger, sesame, nuts, mung beans, and seeds with oil-based dressing. For snacks, you can try fried dough balls stuffed with veggies.

  • Mexican

    Guac, veggies, beans, rice, and salsa are the food we can think of when talking about Mexican food. Hand-pressed corn tortilla with veggies is also a filling snack. And the good news is that these are all vegan. Latino entrepreneurs also veganize some of their traditional foods just to accommodate the growing demand for plant-based dishes.

  • Ethiopian

    Ethiopian dishes usually have a stew-like consistency and paired up with injera, a spongy flatbread. The injera is vegan, and this usually goes with vegetable-based soup, such as Misir Wot (red lentil stew), Gomen (collard greens), and Atakilt Wat (carrots, cabbage, potatoes).

Are you now excited about being vegan-friendly dishes? Are you now ready to go to a gastronomic adventure right in your own kitchen? If you are, get your ingredients at First Choice International Supermarket, a Caribbean Store in Texas that’s also a one-stop-shop for all your usual ingredients and other global cuisine items.

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